НЛО UFO SPHERES OF LIGHT Mysterious objects Леденящий ужас

НЛО UFO SPHERES OF LIGHT Mysterious objects Леденящий ужас

UFO: SPHERES OF LIGHT - Mysterious objects. Леденящий ужас

НЛО UFO SPHERES OF LIGHT Mysterious objects Леденящий ужас

Of all the various kinds of UFO-related phenomena that have , the so-called light spheres certainly hold a important place. These objects have recently gained greater thanks in part to the studies conducted by Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff. According to his theory, the light spheres could be the cause behind crop circles, with which they have often been . But the spheres began to appear many years ago…During the Second World War, airplane pilots on both sides of the war reported on several occasions that they were flanked by light spheres during their missions. These spheres could execute that would have been for the pilots’ airplanes. Their many attempts to outstrip the spheres and avoid pursuit were , and in fact the spheres often seemed to the of even the most pilots. They appeared in all the areas involved in the war, from Europe to the Far East, and it was soon clear that they were not secret enemy weapons. They were given the name "Foo Fighters", from a of the French word “feu”. The objects appeared to be glowing, bright spheres in colours ranging between red, orange, yellow, white and green. The aboard the planes when these craft appeared, and once radar became operative, the pilots realized that the craft were often not detected by their radar devices.

Статья опубликована: 11/03/2024

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